PCB or Printed Circuit Board is meant to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components by the use of pads, conductive tracks and other features made from copper sheets and laminated efficiently onto a non-conductive substrate. A prototype on the other hand is an original or early model of something or release of a product built to test a concept or act as a thing to be learned from. It is a term used widely in electronics just like Prototype PCB. It provides specification for a real working system than just a theoretical one. PCB can be single sided, double sided or multi layered. Conductors on different layers are attached with plated-through holes called Vias.
Advanced and modern PCB may consist of components like capacitors, resistors, and other active substances embedded in the substrate. A PCB containing all these electronic components is called a PCB Assembly or PCBA. Legend printing is often done on one or both sides of the PCB and it contains the component designators, test points and switch settings and other types of indication that will be helpful in assembling, testing and servicing the circuit boards. After the printed circuit board is completed, electronic components are required to be attached to form a functional printed circuit assembly or sometimes called Printed Circuit Board assembly or just PCBA.
Electronic Assembly Services
A reputed company can provide quality electronic assembly services for both single and multilayer flexible as well as rigid circuit boards. Also it can be expected to perform other assembly services that include SMT Assembly, Through Hole assembly services and Leadless Device Placement services etc.
Through- hole Technology
Through-hole technology was used initially by the first PCBs, mounting electronic components by leads inserted through holes on one side of the board and efficiently soldered onto copper traces on its opposite side. Through-hole PCB technology almost fully replaced the earlier electronics assembly techniques like point- to- point construction. Since the second generation of computer in 1950 until 1980 Through-hole technology was at its peak point interims of popularity and efficiency.
Surface Mount Technology
Surface Mount Technology gained momentum in 1980 since the time Through-hole technology started climbing down its ladder of popularity. In this case electronic components were mechanically redesigned to have smaller sized metal tabs or end caps that would made possible soldering directly onto the PCB surface. A wire lead to pass through the hole is not required at all here. Components placement on both sides of the board due to their smaller sizes became more common than through-hole mounting. This allowed having much smaller PCB assemblies with greater circuit densities than ever was possible. Surface mounting technology leads to a high degree of automation and an increased rate of production. It greatly helped in reducing labor cost and thus was and is quite economical.
A Prototype PCB Assembly can be successfully used to satisfy the requirements of a Telecom industry, and can be used as medical equipment, as an avionics equipment etc. Several medical device manufacturers trust a reputed company like website providing PCB assemblies to work on their new development projects.
Prototype PCB Soldering Tools
Anybody who has done it, or is well versed with the process will say that prototype PCB assembly is a specialized and sophisticated process from start to finish. However, do you know what’s the most important task related to such procedures is? No doubt, it is soldering of the PCB board because it requires prior experience regarding the subject as well as use of appropriate techniques and tools. So, which are the different tools that assembly services utilize to ensure the best results from their projects? Here are some of them for your information.
In general, developers can work with a wide variety of solders in various industry scenarios. However, when it comes to dealing with PWB assembly there are only a few options left to you that can allow the best results without causing damage of any kind. So, which are the most common types that you can come across in relation to electronic components? It is, of course, the rosin core variety. These solders come with a diameter of approximately 0.75mm – 1mm. Small diameter suggests ease of use, especially when you are dealing with small components as in the case with PCB.
Soldering iron
This is one of the most critical tools associated with the soldering process and a must have in any scenario when you’re providing PWB assembly services. So, what is the use of this tool? It helps you to melt the solder for electronic components. Optimum wattage related to your soldering iron during melting should be between 15W and 30W. Just make sure that you are using the appropriate wattage for the process. What happens you are using a higher wattage?
When you are using a higher wattage than normally required there is always a chance of completely damaging the circuit board and rendering it useless. Also, always try to go for a grounding three-pronged plug for eliminating voltage gathering at the tips. Stray voltage is the biggest culprit that can damage the highly sensitive components related to your PCB.
Removal devices
Another commonly used tool related to prototype PCB soldering projects is of course the removal devices. After all, there may be the many scenarios where you will need to remove solder from your PCB board. In general, developers use two basic types of removable devices. These are,
a) Solder Wick
b) Solder Sucker
Whatever the name, the main function of both such devices as stated before is to remove solder from PCBs successfully. The difference between these two devices is in their functioning process. While suckers work similar to a syringe, wicks appear similar to the regular candlewick with a copper wire instead. After you melt solder with solder iron, simply suck it up using the syringe like mechanism of the sucker. In case of solder wick, placing it in vicinity of melted solder will help the copper wire to attract it for removal.
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